Shopify Function Tutorial: Checkout Customization by Updating Product Titles

Shopify is an incredibly flexible platform that allows developers to create customized experiences tailored to the needs of merchants and their customers. One of the most powerful tools available to developers is Shopify Functions. Shopify Functions enable deeper customization of store behavior, particularly during the checkout process, which is crucial for enhancing the user experience and driving conversions. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use Shopify Functions to customize the checkout process by dynamically updating product titles. This tutorial is aimed at developers who are looking to expand their knowledge of Shopify development, particularly in the context of Shopify Functions.

What Are Shopify Functions?

Before diving into the tutorial, let’s understand what Shopify Functions are and why they are essential for developers. Shopify Functions are serverless functions that allow you to extend or modify Shopify’s default behavior. Unlike traditional Shopify Apps that run on external servers, Shopify Functions run directly within Shopify’s infrastructure, offering faster performance and deeper integration with Shopify’s core features.

Key advantages of Shopify Functions include:

  • Customization Flexibility: Modify checkout logic, pricing rules, and product attributes dynamically.
  • Performance: Functions run natively on Shopify’s infrastructure, ensuring low latency and high reliability.
  • Security: Since they run on Shopify’s platform, there’s no need to manage servers or worry about security patches.

Use Case: Checkout Customization by Updating Product Titles

One practical use case for Shopify Functions is dynamically updating product titles during checkout. This can be particularly useful for merchants who want to add promotional messages, product tags, or custom text to product titles based on specific conditions like customer location, cart contents, or promotional codes.

For this tutorial, we’ll focus on a simple example where product titles are updated to include a promotional message during checkout.


Before starting this Shopify Functions tutorial, ensure you have the following:

  1. Shopify Partner Account: Sign up if you haven’t already.
  2. Development Store: Create a development store through your Shopify Partner Dashboard.
  3. Shopify CLI: The Shopify CLI is essential for creating, managing, and deploying Shopify Functions.
  4. Basic Knowledge of JavaScript: Familiarity with JavaScript is necessary, as Shopify Functions are written in JavaScript.
  5. Basic Understanding of Shopify Development: Knowing how Shopify apps and APIs work will help you follow this tutorial more easily.

Step 1: Setting Up the Development Environment

Start by setting up your environment:

  1. Install Shopify CLI: If you haven’t already installed the Shopify CLI, you can do so with the following command:bashCopy codenpm install -g @shopify/cli
  2. Create a New Shopify App: Use the Shopify CLI to create a new app:bashCopy codeshopify app create node Follow the prompts to set up your app. Make sure to select “Functions” when prompted for the type of app.
  3. Navigate to Your App Directory: After the app is created, navigate to your app directory:bashCopy codecd my-shopify-app

Step 2: Creating a Shopify Function

Next, we’ll create a Shopify Function that updates product titles during the checkout process.

  1. Generate a New Function: Use the Shopify CLI to generate a new function:bashCopy codeshopify generate function update-product-titles This command will scaffold a new function in your project. The generated function will include boilerplate code that you can customize.
  2. Navigate to the Function Directory: Go to the newly created function directory:bashCopy codecd extensions/update-product-titles
  3. Edit the Function Code: Open the index.js file in your code editor. This is where you’ll write the logic to update product titles.

Step 3: Writing the Function Logic

Now, let’s implement the logic to update product titles. For this example, we’ll append a promotional message to each product title during checkout.

  1. Update index.js: Replace the default code in index.js with the following:javascriptCopy codeexport async function onCheckoutStart(input, output) { const promotionalMessage = " - Limited Offer!"; input.cart.lineItems.forEach((lineItem) => { const originalTitle = lineItem.title; const updatedTitle = `${originalTitle}${promotionalMessage}`; lineItem.setTitle(updatedTitle); }); output.cart = input.cart; } In this function:
    • We loop through each line item in the cart.
    • We append a promotional message to the original product title.
    • We then update the line item with the new title.
  2. Save the File: Save your changes to index.js.

Step 4: Deploying the Shopify Function

Once you’ve written your function, it’s time to deploy it to your development store.

  1. Deploy the Function: Use the Shopify CLI to deploy your function:bashCopy codeshopify deploy The CLI will bundle your function, upload it to Shopify, and register it with your app.
  2. Link the Function to a Checkout Trigger: After deploying, link your function to the checkout process. This ensures that the function is triggered whenever a checkout is initiated.You can do this by editing the shopify.function.toml configuration file in your function’s directory to specify that it should run on the checkout trigger.

Step 5: Testing the Shopify Function

After deploying and configuring your function, it’s time to test it.

  1. Initiate a Test Checkout: Go to your development store and add some products to the cart. Proceed to the checkout page.
  2. Check the Product Titles: During checkout, you should see the product titles updated with the promotional message you added.
  3. Verify the Changes: Ensure that the product titles have been correctly updated and that the function behaves as expected.

Step 6: Refining and Expanding the Functionality

The basic function we’ve created is a starting point. You can refine and expand this functionality by:

  • Adding Conditional Logic: Customize titles based on customer location, cart contents, or promotional codes.
  • Implementing A/B Testing: Use Shopify Functions to test different messaging strategies by dynamically changing product titles based on random assignments.
  • Integrating with Shopify Plus: If you’re working with Shopify Plus, leverage the advanced checkout extensibility options available to further customize the checkout experience.

Best Practices for Shopify Functions

When building and deploying Shopify Functions, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Optimize for Performance: Since Shopify Functions run during critical parts of the checkout process, ensure they are efficient and do not introduce unnecessary latency.
  • Use Shopify Developer Resources: Shopify provides extensive documentation and developer tools to help you build and test your functions effectively.
  • Regularly Update Your App: As Shopify updates its platform, ensure your functions remain compatible by keeping your app dependencies and code up-to-date.


Shopify Functions are a powerful tool for developers looking to create customized checkout experiences. By following this tutorial, you’ve learned how to create a Shopify Function that updates product titles during checkout using JavaScript. This is just one example of the many ways Shopify Functions can enhance the shopping experience.

As you continue to explore Shopify app development, consider integrating more advanced logic, connecting with external APIs, or even building a suite of Shopify apps that offer unique functionalities to merchants. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Shopify developer, mastering Shopify Functions will give you a significant advantage in creating high-performing, customized Shopify stores.

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