Creating a Detailed Shopify Order Page with Remix and Polaris | Shopify App Development

In the world of eCommerce, providing a seamless and informative user experience is crucial for both customers and merchants. For Shopify developers, creating custom apps that enhance the Shopify experience is a key aspect of adding value to the platform. One such customization is developing a detailed order page within a Shopify app. By leveraging Remix.js for the backend and Shopify Polaris for the frontend, you can create a dynamic, user-friendly order page that integrates seamlessly with Shopify’s existing infrastructure. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a detailed Shopify order page using Remix.js and Polaris, tailored for developers looking to enhance their Shopify app development skills.

Why Choose Remix.js and Polaris for Shopify App Development?

Before diving into the tutorial, it’s important to understand why Remix.js and Polaris are powerful tools for Shopify app development.

  • Remix.js: Remix.js is a modern framework that emphasizes server-side rendering (SSR) and optimized data loading, making it ideal for creating fast, scalable, and SEO-friendly web applications. For Shopify developers, Remix.js allows for efficient handling of Shopify APIs and smooth integration of dynamic content.
  • Shopify Polaris: Polaris is Shopify’s design system, providing a set of React components that are consistent, accessible, and customizable. Using Polaris ensures that your app looks and feels like a native extension of the Shopify platform, maintaining a cohesive user experience.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

To start developing your detailed order page, you’ll need to set up your development environment. Follow these steps:

  1. Install Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your machine.
  2. Create a New Shopify App with Remix.js: Use the Shopify CLI to create a new app with Remix.js as the frontend framework:bashCopy codeshopify app create node -t remix This command sets up a new Shopify app using Remix.js, laying the foundation for our detailed order page.
  3. Install Shopify Polaris: Navigate to your app’s directory and install the Polaris components:bashCopy codenpm install @shopify/polaris
  4. Set Up Remix.js: Ensure your Remix.js environment is properly configured. This includes setting up routes, loaders, and actions for handling data and user interactions.

Designing the Detailed Order Page

Now that your environment is ready, let’s build a detailed order page using the Polaris Page component.

Step 1: Create the Order Page Component

Start by creating a new component for the order page in your Remix.js project. Navigate to the components or pages directory and create a new file named OrderPage.jsx.

jsxCopy codeimport { Page, Layout, Card, TextContainer, Heading, Button } from '@shopify/polaris';

function OrderPage() {
  return (
      title="Order #1001"
      breadcrumbs={[{ content: 'Orders', url: '/orders' }]}
      primaryAction={<Button primary>Fulfill Order</Button>}
      secondaryActions={[{ content: 'Cancel Order', destructive: true }]}
          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Order Summary</Heading>
              <p>Total: $99.99</p>
              <p>Date: January 1, 2024</p>

        <Layout.Section secondary>
          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Customer Information</Heading>
              <p>Name: John Doe</p>

          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Shipping Information</Heading>
              <p>Address: 123 Main St, New York, NY 10001</p>
              <p>Shipping Method: Standard Shipping</p>

          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Order Items</Heading>
              <p>Product 1 x 2</p>
              <p>Product 2 x 1</p>

export default OrderPage;

In this setup:

  • Page Component: The Page component structures your content, providing a consistent layout with title, breadcrumbs, and action buttons.
  • Layout and Layout.Section: These components from Polaris help you organize the page into distinct sections, making it easy to present different types of information clearly.
  • Card Component: Cards encapsulate content within the sections, offering a clean and organized way to display order details.

Step 2: Fetch Order Data from Shopify API

To make the order page dynamic, you’ll need to fetch real order data from the Shopify API. This is where Remix.js shines, allowing you to load data on the server before rendering the page.

Modify OrderPage.jsx to include a loader that fetches order details:

jsxCopy codeimport { json, useLoaderData } from '@remix-run/react';
import { Page, Layout, Card, TextContainer, Heading, Button } from '@shopify/polaris';
import shopify from '../shopify'; // assuming you have a Shopify API setup

export async function loader({ params }) {
  const orderId = params.orderId;
  const order = await shopify.order.get(orderId);
  return json(order);

function OrderPage() {
  const order = useLoaderData();

  return (
      title={`Order #${}`}
      breadcrumbs={[{ content: 'Orders', url: '/orders' }]}
      primaryAction={<Button primary>Fulfill Order</Button>}
      secondaryActions={[{ content: 'Cancel Order', destructive: true }]}
          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Order Summary</Heading>
              <p>Total: ${order.total_price}</p>
              <p>Date: {new Date(order.created_at).toLocaleDateString()}</p>

        <Layout.Section secondary>
          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Customer Information</Heading>
              <p>Name: {order.customer.first_name} {order.customer.last_name}</p>
              <p>Email: {}</p>

          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Shipping Information</Heading>
              <p>Address: {order.shipping_address.address1}, {}</p>
              <p>Shipping Method: {order.shipping_lines[0].title}</p>

          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Order Items</Heading>
              { => (
                <p key={}>{item.title} x {item.quantity}</p>

export default OrderPage;

Step 3: Integrate the Order Page into Your Shopify App

Now that your OrderPage component is ready, you need to integrate it into your app’s routing system. Add it to your Remix.js routes configuration file:

jsxCopy codeimport OrderPage from './components/OrderPage';

export default function AppRoutes() {
  return (
      <Route path="/orders/:orderId" element={<OrderPage />} />
      {/* Other routes */}

This setup allows users to navigate to specific order pages using a URL like /orders/:orderId.

Enhancing the Order Page with Additional Features

To provide a more comprehensive order management experience, consider adding the following features:

  1. Order Actions: Enhance the primary and secondary actions to include more options like “Print Invoice” or “Issue Refund.”
  2. Order Notes: Allow users to add internal notes about the order, which can be useful for customer service teams.
  3. Status Updates: Implement a section for tracking the order status, including shipping updates and payment confirmation.
  4. Error Handling: Implement error handling in your loaders to manage issues like failed API requests or invalid order IDs.

Testing and Deployment

Once your order page is complete, thoroughly test it across different devices and scenarios to ensure a smooth user experience. Test the following:

  • Data Accuracy: Ensure that all order details are correctly fetched and displayed.
  • Responsiveness: Verify that the page layout works well on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Performance: Check that the page loads quickly and efficiently, even with large amounts of data.

After testing, deploy your Shopify app using the Shopify CLI:

bashCopy codeshopify app deploy


Creating a detailed Shopify order page using Remix.js and Polaris not only enhances the functionality of your app but also provides a better user experience for merchants managing their stores. By following this tutorial, you’ve learned how to integrate dynamic data from the Shopify API into a well-structured layout using Polaris components.

As you continue developing Shopify apps, remember that mastering these tools will enable you to build high-quality, custom solutions that meet the needs of Shopify merchants. Whether you’re building a simple app or a complex eCommerce solution, the combination of Remix.js and

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