A Beginner’s Guide to Shopify’s GraphQL Rate Limiting

  1. Introduction
    • Importance of understanding rate limiting
    • Brief overview of GraphQL in Shopify
  2. Shopify’s GraphQL Rate Limiting Explained
    • What is rate limiting and why does Shopify use it?
    • Understanding the cost-based rate limiting system
  3. Setting Up Your Node.js Environment
    • Installing Node.js and necessary libraries
    • Setting up Shopify API credentials
  4. Basics of Rate Limits in GraphQL
    • How rate limits work in Shopify’s GraphQL
    • Reading the rate limit headers
  5. Strategies to Handle Rate Limits
    • Managing API calls within rate limits
    • Implementing retry logic in Node.js
  6. Minimizing Query Costs
    • Designing low-cost queries
    • Utilizing query cost estimation
  7. Efficient Pagination Techniques
    • Cursor-based pagination
    • Reducing page size to manage query costs
  8. Monitoring and Adjusting API Consumption
    • Tools and practices for monitoring API usage
    • Adjusting strategies based on usage patterns
  9. Best Practices for Managing Rate Limits
    • Code examples of best practices
    • When to use webhooks instead of polling
  10. Handling Rate Limit Errors
    • Detecting and responding to rate limit errors
    • Example: Error handling in Node.js
  11. Advanced Techniques and Tools
    • Using GraphQL’s features to optimize calls
    • Recommended tools for managing API calls
  12. Conclusion
    • Recap of managing rate limits
    • Encouragement to practice and implement the learned strategies

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