Mastering the Page Component in Shopify Polaris | Shopify App Development

When developing a Shopify app, creating a consistent and user-friendly interface is crucial to delivering a great experience for both merchants and their customers. One of the most important tools at your disposal as a Shopify developer is Shopify Polaris, a comprehensive design system that provides a set of ready-to-use components for building Shopify apps. Among these, the Page component is essential for structuring your app’s content. In this article, we’ll explore how to master the Page component in Shopify Polaris, particularly in the context of Shopify app development using Remix.js. This guide will cover how to effectively utilize the Page component to create well-organized and functional pages, such as a detailed order page in a custom Shopify app.

What is Shopify Polaris?

Shopify Polaris is a design system created by Shopify to help developers build apps and experiences that are cohesive, accessible, and consistent with Shopify’s own interface. Polaris provides a set of React components that can be used to create everything from simple forms to complex data tables, ensuring that your app looks and feels like a native part of the Shopify platform.

Why Use the Page Component?

The Page component in Shopify Polaris is designed to provide a consistent layout for the main content of any page within your app. It handles many common design challenges, such as setting up page titles, headers, and action buttons, making it easier to focus on the unique functionality of your app rather than worrying about UI basics.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Before you can start using the Page component, you need to set up your development environment:

  1. Install Node.js: Ensure that Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) are installed on your machine.
  2. Create a Shopify App with Remix.js: Use the Shopify CLI to create a new app:bashCopy codeshopify app create node -t remix This command sets up a new Shopify app using Remix.js as the front-end framework.
  3. Install Shopify Polaris: Navigate to your app’s directory and install the Polaris components:bashCopy codenpm install @shopify/polaris
  4. Set Up Remix.js: Configure your Remix.js environment, including setting up routes, loaders, and actions within the framework.

Understanding the Page Component Structure

The Page component in Polaris is more than just a container for your content; it provides a structured layout with options for a header, breadcrumbs, primary and secondary actions, pagination, and more. Here’s a breakdown of its main features:

  1. Title: The title of the page is displayed prominently at the top. This is typically the name of the page, such as “Order Details” or “Product List.”
  2. Breadcrumbs: If your app has multiple levels of navigation, breadcrumbs provide a way for users to track their path and easily navigate back to previous pages.
  3. Primary Action: The primary action is the most important action on the page, such as “Save” or “Add Product.” It’s usually displayed as a button next to the title.
  4. Secondary Actions: These are additional actions that users might need, but that are not as critical as the primary action. Examples include “Cancel” or “Delete.”
  5. Content Area: The main content area is where the bulk of your page’s content will go. This might include forms, tables, or data visualizations.

Creating a Detailed Order Page with the Page Component

Let’s walk through an example of how to use the Page component in Polaris to create a detailed order page within a custom Shopify app.

Step 1: Setting Up the Order Page Component

First, create a new component for the order page. Navigate to your app’s components or pages directory and create a new file called OrderPage.jsx.

jsxCopy codeimport { Page, Card, Layout, TextContainer, Heading, Button } from '@shopify/polaris';

function OrderPage() {
  return (
      title="Order #1001"
      breadcrumbs={[{ content: 'Orders', url: '/orders' }]}
      primaryAction={<Button primary>Fulfill Order</Button>}
      secondaryActions={[{ content: 'Cancel Order', destructive: true }]}
          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Order Summary</Heading>
              <p>Total: $99.99</p>
              <p>Date: January 1, 2024</p>

        <Layout.Section secondary>
          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Customer Information</Heading>
              <p>Name: John Doe</p>

          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Shipping Information</Heading>
              <p>Address: 123 Main St, New York, NY 10001</p>
              <p>Shipping Method: Standard Shipping</p>

          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Order Items</Heading>
              <p>Product 1 x 2</p>
              <p>Product 2 x 1</p>

export default OrderPage;

Step 2: Integrating with Shopify API to Fetch Order Data

To make this page dynamic, you’ll need to fetch real order data from the Shopify API. This can be done using Remix.js loaders.

Add a loader to fetch order details in OrderPage.jsx:

jsxCopy codeimport { json, useLoaderData } from '@remix-run/react';
import { Page, Card, Layout, TextContainer, Heading, Button } from '@shopify/polaris';
import shopify from '../shopify'; // Assuming you have a Shopify API setup

export async function loader({ params }) {
  const orderId = params.orderId;
  const order = await shopify.order.get(orderId);
  return json(order);

function OrderPage() {
  const order = useLoaderData();

  return (
      title={`Order #${}`}
      breadcrumbs={[{ content: 'Orders', url: '/orders' }]}
      primaryAction={<Button primary>Fulfill Order</Button>}
      secondaryActions={[{ content: 'Cancel Order', destructive: true }]}
          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Order Summary</Heading>
              <p>Total: ${order.total_price}</p>
              <p>Date: {new Date(order.created_at).toLocaleDateString()}</p>

        <Layout.Section secondary>
          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Customer Information</Heading>
              <p>Name: {order.customer.first_name} {order.customer.last_name}</p>
              <p>Email: {}</p>

          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Shipping Information</Heading>
              <p>Address: {order.shipping_address.address1}, {}</p>
              <p>Shipping Method: {order.shipping_lines[0].title}</p>

          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Order Items</Heading>
              { => (
                <p key={}>{item.title} x {item.quantity}</p>

export default OrderPage;

In this setup:

  • Loader Function: Fetches order data from the Shopify API using the orderId parameter. The data is passed to the component using useLoaderData.
  • Dynamic Content Rendering: The order details, including customer and shipping information, are rendered dynamically within the layout.

Step 3: Adding the Order Page to Your App

Add the OrderPage component to your app’s routing so that it can be accessed through a specific URL.

jsxCopy code// In your Remix.js routes configuration file
import OrderPage from './components/OrderPage';

export default function AppRoutes() {
  return (
      <Route path="/orders/:orderId" element={<OrderPage />} />
      {/* Other routes */}

This configuration will allow you to navigate to an order page using a URL pattern like /orders/:orderId.

Best Practices for Using the Page Component

To get the most out of the Page component in Shopify Polaris, consider the following best practices:

  • Keep It Simple: Avoid cluttering your page with too many actions or sections. Focus on the most important content and actions.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure that your layout adapts well to different screen sizes. Polaris components are responsive by default, but it’s always good to test across devices.
  • Consistent Styling: Use Polaris components consistently across your app to maintain a cohesive look and feel.
  • API Integration: Make full use of Shopify’s API to fetch and display dynamic content, ensuring your pages are interactive and up-to-date.


Mastering the Page component in Shopify Polaris is essential for

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