Shopify, Remix js, Layout Component in Shopify Polaris | Shopify App Development

Shopify is a leading platform for eCommerce, offering flexibility and a robust ecosystem for developers to create custom applications that enhance the shopping experience. When it comes to building Shopify apps, the combination of Remix.js and Shopify Polaris offers a powerful toolkit for creating modern, responsive, and user-friendly interfaces. In this article, we’ll delve into how to use the Layout component from Shopify Polaris within a Shopify app built with Remix.js. We’ll explore how these tools work together to create a detailed and functional order page for your Shopify app, catering to both beginners and experienced developers.

What is Remix.js?

Remix.js is a full-stack React framework that enables developers to build fast and scalable web applications. It emphasizes server-side rendering (SSR) and optimized data loading, making it ideal for developing high-performance Shopify apps. Remix.js allows for seamless integration with APIs, efficient routing, and a robust developer experience, which makes it a top choice for building eCommerce applications.

What is Shopify Polaris?

Shopify Polaris is Shopify’s design system, providing a set of React components that are consistent, accessible, and customizable. Polaris is used to build Shopify apps and themes, ensuring that the user interfaces align with Shopify’s design principles. By using Polaris, developers can create cohesive, professional-looking applications that integrate smoothly with the Shopify ecosystem.

Why Use the Layout Component in Shopify Polaris?

The Layout component in Shopify Polaris is essential for creating structured and organized interfaces in your Shopify app. It allows you to divide your page into sections, making it easier to present information in a clear and digestible manner. This is particularly useful for pages like the Shopify Order Page, where you need to display a lot of detailed information in a user-friendly format.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Before we start building, ensure that your development environment is properly set up:

  1. Install Node.js: Make sure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your machine.
  2. Set Up a Shopify App: If you haven’t already, create a new Shopify app using the Shopify CLI. Run the following command in your terminal:bashCopy codeshopify app create node -t remix This command initializes a new Shopify app with Remix.js as the frontend framework.
  3. Install Polaris Components: Navigate to your app’s directory and install the Shopify Polaris components:bashCopy codenpm install @shopify/polaris This will allow you to use Polaris components in your Remix.js app.
  4. Set Up Remix.js: Ensure that your Remix.js environment is configured correctly. This includes setting up routing, loaders, and actions within the Remix framework.

Building a Detailed Order Page Using the Layout Component

Now, let’s create a detailed order page using the Layout component in Shopify Polaris. This page will be part of a custom Shopify app, providing an enhanced view of order details.

Step 1: Create the Order Page Component

Start by creating a new component for the order page in your Remix.js app. Navigate to your app’s components or pages directory and create a new file called OrderPage.jsx.

jsxCopy codeimport { Page, Layout, Card, TextContainer, Heading } from '@shopify/polaris';

function OrderPage() {
  return (
    <Page title="Order Details">
          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Order Summary</Heading>
              <p>Details of the order go here.</p>

        <Layout.Section secondary>
          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Customer Information</Heading>
              <p>Customer details go here.</p>

          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Shipping Information</Heading>
              <p>Shipping details go here.</p>

          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Order Items</Heading>
              <p>List of items in the order goes here.</p>

export default OrderPage;

In this code:

  • Page Component: The Page component from Polaris provides the overall structure and title for your page.
  • Layout Component: The Layout component divides the page into different sections, making it easier to organize content.
  • Layout.Section: This component defines each section within the layout. You can use primary and secondary sections to manage the visual hierarchy of your content.
  • Card Component: The Card component wraps the content within each section, providing a clean and consistent look.

Step 2: Fetch Order Data from Shopify API

To make the order page functional, you’ll need to fetch order data from the Shopify API. Use Remix.js loaders to handle server-side data fetching.

In the OrderPage.jsx file, add a loader to fetch order details:

jsxCopy codeimport { json, useLoaderData } from '@remix-run/react';
import { Page, Layout, Card, TextContainer, Heading } from '@shopify/polaris';
import shopify from '../shopify'; // assuming you have a Shopify API setup

export async function loader({ params }) {
  const orderId = params.orderId;
  const order = await shopify.order.get(orderId);
  return json(order);

function OrderPage() {
  const order = useLoaderData();

  return (
    <Page title={`Order #${}`}>
          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Order Summary</Heading>
              <p>Order ID: {}</p>
              <p>Total: ${order.total_price}</p>

        <Layout.Section secondary>
          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Customer Information</Heading>
              <p>Name: {order.customer.first_name} {order.customer.last_name}</p>
              <p>Email: {}</p>

          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Shipping Information</Heading>
              <p>Address: {order.shipping_address.address1}, {}</p>

          <Card sectioned>
              <Heading>Order Items</Heading>
              { => (
                <p key={}>{item.title} x {item.quantity}</p>

export default OrderPage;

Here’s what this code does:

  • Loader Function: The loader function fetches order data from the Shopify API using the orderId parameter. This data is then passed to the component using useLoaderData.
  • Dynamic Data Rendering: The order details, customer information, shipping details, and order items are dynamically rendered within the respective sections.

Step 3: Integrating the Order Page into Your Shopify App

Once your OrderPage component is ready, integrate it into your Shopify app by adding it to your app’s routing.

jsxCopy code// In your Remix.js routes configuration file
import OrderPage from './components/OrderPage';

export default function AppRoutes() {
  return (
      <Route path="/orders/:orderId" element={<OrderPage />} />
      {/* Other routes */}

This setup will enable you to navigate to specific order pages within your Shopify app by using a URL pattern like /orders/:orderId.

Tips for Optimizing Your Shopify App with Remix.js and Polaris

  • Responsive Design: Ensure your app is responsive by leveraging Polaris’ built-in grid system and responsive components.
  • Performance Optimization: Use Remix.js features like server-side rendering and caching to optimize the performance of your app.
  • API Integration: Make full use of Shopify’s API to fetch and manipulate data, ensuring that your app is dynamic and interactive.
  • Error Handling: Implement error handling in your loaders and actions to manage API errors gracefully.


Combining Shopify, Remix.js, and Polaris creates a powerful development environment for building custom Shopify apps. By using the Layout component from Polaris, you can create structured, visually appealing interfaces that enhance the user experience. This guide has shown you how to set up a detailed order page within your Shopify app, demonstrating how these tools work together to create a seamless and professional application.

As you continue to develop your Shopify apps, remember that the combination of Remix.js and Polaris offers flexibility and scalability, making it possible to build complex, high-performance apps tailored to the unique needs of your eCommerce business. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your development skills, mastering these tools will significantly enhance your ability to create top-notch Shopify solutions.

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